Date posted 02 Mar 2023

Throughout 2022 and the start of 2023, we have made some changes to Donyngs in all areas of the centre. These include environmental changes, refurbishments to our Studios and Gym, shower refurbishment in our wet side changing rooms and additions to our programme we offer at Donyngs.

Environmental Changes
Since the price increases on utilities, we have worked hard on saving energy and make the centre more efficient. This has seen the centre make a saving in electricity and gas.

These changes included New LED lighting in our gym, poolside and various other areas around the centre. 

Our gym has seen some major improvements over the past months with new flooring in our free weights area, plates machines such as hack squat, hip thrust and low back row. We have added new benches, a new lifting platform and new functional equipment including stretch mats, dumbbells, medicine balls and much more!

Fitness classes
Our studio 2 has been extended and refurbished with a new floor! This has allowed us to increase the capacity of our Mind and Body classes.
We have increased our Group Cycle capacity by purchasing more spin bikes and these classes are proving very popular. Our capacity for Group Cycle is now 22 from 18.

We have added the classes below to our timetable this year;

Aqua Aerobics

Tuesday at 09:30

Core Conditioning

Thursday at 12:00

Legs, Bums and Tums

Wednesday at 10:30


Sunday at 10:30

Core Conditioning

Wednesday at 12:00


Sunday at 10:45

Junior Basketball
Our Junior basketball sessions have been proving popular on Sundays. We have now added additional sessions every Wednesday 16:00 - 17:00 and 17:00 - 18:00!