Date posted 08 Nov 2022

There are a lot of myths going around regarding weightlifting and muscle gain nowadays especially for women, is it true is it false? 

‘’If I pick up a weight I will get bulky’’- Most common phrase heard within the fitness industry for those that are at the start of their journey. Scientifically speaking to lifting weights, weather heavy or light, and performing certain exercises in a correct manner, our bodies do end up developing muscle however that does not mean they will just grow overnight and become sculpted bodybuilders. With strength and weight training there are vast options in which one can develop their body. Depending on what specific goal each individual has you can train towards it accordingly. From cardiovascular fitness and wellbeing, sport based exercises, weight training for fat loss, weight training for muscle building or competitions/sports specific, there’s a wide range of different exercises and workout which can get your body to work towards those goals. However that does not imply that by mixing different styles of training (i.e cardiovascular and weight training) our bodies will instantly build massive muscles.

There are no gender specific workouts. Even science does not support the concept of different workouts for men and women, however most females tend to avoid weight training because of these misconceptions. By doing so, you can miss out on a lot of incredible health benefits which are offered by strength training exercises. What this does to the body is helps tone and shape it, aiding in fat loss and muscle toning, helping massively with working towards a healthy and strong body overall. 

Other 2 commonly heard misconceptions are that its too dangerous to lift weights and that to see proper results one will need to spend hours in the gym to achieve goals. To see results you do not have to spend long hours in the gym! One slight mistake can be the fact that a lot of people may believe by lifting a heavier weight they will become too bulky or too masculine. It is important to challenge our bodies and experiment with your workouts in order to see a positive result and see what types of workouts make an impact with your own body style and personal goals.

Next time you’re in the gym, don’t be shy! Speak to one of our staff members and we can guide you on what type of exercises or classes you can do specifically for your personal goals and help you embark on that journey!