Date posted 24 Apr 2024

On Saturday 21st April our amazing Spin Instructors Led a Spinathon to raise money for Bunina Primary School in Zimbabwe.

The purpose of the day was to raise money to help build a new classroom block at Bunina Primary School in Zimbabwe. Bunina Primary School was originally set up in some old farm buildings in a village near the bush. The school has grown quickly and has now outgrown its buildings so now needs new buildings to cater for all of the students. The money raised will also help to install a water supply in to the building which will massively improve the quality of life for families in the area.

The day consisted of back to back Spin classes from 8am-3pm with participants donating to the cause. 

Classes were taught by Instructors, Peter, Lynn and Phil all volunteered their time and taught classes. We even had a class taught by Special guess Ewa who used to teach classes at Gosling before she moved abroad last year. She flew back just to take part in the event much to the delight of our members!

As part of the event Ewa also taught an Abs Blast Class.

The spin studio and bikes were decorated in African theming and a real upbeat, fun energy was felt throughout the day.

6 amazing participants managed to complete the full 6 hours of Spin sessions, an incredible achievement!

Over all 120 spaces were filled across the classes and over £1500 was raised to help support this incredible cause!

Fundraising efforts were boosted on the day by a raffle and a brilliant cake sale!

A massive well done to Peter and the team for the amount of effort they put in to organising the Spinathon event.

An amazing day was had by all that took part!