Date posted 29 Jun 2021

On the 12th and 13th June Archery made its long awaited return to Frenchfield Sports Centre.

We had over 50 archers from Manchester to Newcastle to the East Midlands who attended to shoot although under covid restrictions they still came to enjoy the sport they love.

The two days had their challenging conditions with a cold wind on Saturday morning and a warm wind Sunday afternoon but this did not deter the archers as at least twelve of them were able to claim awards based on their scores. The archers enjoy coming to Frenchfield as it is one of the best fields for doing the sort of archery called Clout which is where the target is painted on the ground upto 185 mtrs away so this really tests the archers accuracy and skill.

The event was run by Eagle Bowmen who shoot at Hunter Hall School next door to the playing fields so moving equipment becomes less of a problem. The club was rewarded when one of their Junior Lady Longbow archers won her section both days and not to be out done her mother came second on Saturday in the senior event.

Chris Battersby, Tournemant organiser said - "All the archers enjoyed the weekend and are now looking forward to our next shoot in July and hoping for similar weather coinditions"