Pool Closure

From Monday 13th May to Sunday 8th June the swimming pools will be closed between the following times due to essential maintenance in our changing rooms. 

Mondays - 09:30-18:30

Tuesdays - 09:30-11:30 and 13:00-18:30

Wednesdays - 09:30-10:30 and 13:00-18:30

Thursdays - 09:30-11:30 and 13:00-18:30

Fridays - 09:30-11:00 and 13:00-18:30

Saturdays - 09:00-12:30

During these temporary closures, all members are welcome to use our other swimming pools within Islington: Archway Leiusre centre, Cally Pool & Gym, and Highbury Leisure centre

Apologies for any inconvience caused

Ironmonger row management team