London Youth Games, who champion sport for all across the capital and connect communities, invited participants from across 20 different boroughs with a wide range of accessibility requirements converged at the iconic Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre to showcase their skills and spirit.

Whether it was the incredible efforts of participants, admirable teamwork and determination toward the games, the event was a testament to the transformation power of sport, particularly for young people with disabilities.

Hamza, who took part in the event representing Newham, spoke about the sense of accomplishment that comes from participating in sports: "I like playing sport at London Youth Games, it feels like a dream to come as far as we did,” whilst Connie, a participant from Bexley, talked about how winning the competition was not just about victory but also about representation and pride: "I like London Youth Games because it means that I get to be represented in my disability and get to feel proud of it.”

Rachel Seddon, General Manager at Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre was proud to host ParaGames Boccia event explaining how the work the team do at London Youth Games is pivotal for creating an accessible sporting environment.

All in all, the event hosted by London Youth Games at Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre, not only showcased the skills of the participants, but also serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative impact of sports on individuals with impairments and disabilities. Through London Youth Games, barriers are broken, stereotypes are challenged and we begin to build a more inclusive and supportive society, one game at a time.

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