Find a class that works for you

Choosing the right class for you can be overwhelming at first, especially when you’re not sure where to begin. Depending on your own goals and schedule, we let you decide your class of the day from one of the seven recommendations below.

Workouts range in length and include exercises and classes run by the world’s top instructors; across a range of categories, including strength and conditioningweight loss and mind-body.

To gain free access to your chosen class of the day, log into Virtual Classes on the Better UK app and tap the magnifying glass in the top right corner; tap SEARCH and type the class name followed by SEARCH CLASSES to find the workout.

Which will you choose today?

Strength Basic - Short and Sharp

8 mins | The title says it all! This short, focused workout provides maximum result in minimal time.

BoxxHIIT30 - Full Body

30 mins | Shadow boxing paired with HiiT for a mentally and physical challange! You´ll sweat, burn some serious calories and feel like a champion!

Move It! Kids Dance

26 mins | Here's the adventure your little bundle of energy has been looking for. It's time to go wild. Cool dance steps and a whole world of fun await.

Well Balanced Flow

19 mins | Carve out a little time in your day for this quick flow that will leave you feeling great all over. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 strap

Booty Blast

11 mins | Amy´s workout is all about your glutes. You´ll be doing a variety of exercises that include curtsy lunges, donkey kicks and single leg squats to help you achieve that perky booty you want!

Yoga - Lower Body Release

21 mins | This calming, cooling session is aimed to help release tension and let go. 


32 mins | Strengthen that core with this intense class aimed at building heat and stability. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket

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