Date posted 01 Nov 2021

New group cycle and combat classes have been added to our timetable starting the 1st November.

Catherine will be teaching Group cycle on a tuesday evening 7pm, group cycle is a 45 minute class that is garunteed to get your pulse racing, Cycle classes have been shown to burn up to 500 calories per hour and are great for improving your cardiovascular fitness as well as making you feel great

Anita will be teaching Combat on a thursday evening 5.45pm. Combat is an aewrobic class that utilises punhces, kicks and other bodyweight exercises that are garunteed to give you a full boyd workout you will love.

Both Catherine and Anita have infectious energy that filters through into their classes leaving you feeling fantastic at the end of your workout!

Make sure to book on and reserve a space through the Better UK app or online before they're fully booked.


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