Date posted 07 Jun 2021

85 year old James Bagnall (known as 'Jimmy') has been a member here at East End Pool and Gym for 6 years! 

Back in 2015, Jimmy's doctor told him that he needed a stair lift fitted in his home as he struggled to move up and down the stairs. At this same time, the doctor also advised Jimmy to try exercising at a gym to help improve his overall health. This is the point where Jimmy made a life changing decision to join East End Pool and Gym. 

At first, Jimmy was nervous coming to the gym but quickly made friends and his confidence in fitness grew. Jimmy now attends East End Pool and Gym 6 times per week! His sessions consist of 30 minutes cardio on a cross trainer or treadmill before moving into the freeweights area for some strength and conditioning training.

Jimmy has now ditched his 40 inch trousers and now has a sprightly 34 inch waist! As a member who is alwasy full of smiles, Jimmy is an inspiration to his fellow members and the staff team here at East End Pool. 

Keep up the good work, Jimmy!