Date posted 05 Oct 2023

At Kentish Town Sports Centre, we believe that swimming is for everyone, no matter what your support and access needs are. That’s why we are proud to have just launched a brand new SEN swimming class on Thursdays 4.45pm to 5.15pm, this is in addition to the inclusive swimming sessions we run at Kentish Town on Wednesday 1pm to 1.50pm and Fridays 7pm to 8pm.

Swimming is a great activity for everyone’s mental and physical health. Not only does spending time in the water help disabled swimmers stay active, but group swimming lessons can also provide a huge social benefit. Kentish Town Sports Centre is wheelchair accessible with poolside mobility aids, allowing those with physical disabilities to participate, this includes our Poolpod. Poolpod lifts give you independent, comfortable access to the pool, getting you swimming quickly and easily. Unlike traditional pool hoists, you can operate Poolpod yourself, using one of the specially designed wristbands, to access the pool independently.


We want to make swimming accessible, fun, and easy for everyone. Our SEN swimming class has been specifically developed for those swimming with a disability. Our teachers have gone through dedicated training, meaning they can deliver inclusive classes for people with different disabilities, impairments and access needs. Kentish Town is also wheelchair accessible with poolside mobility aids, allowing those with physical disabilities to participate.


Our SEN swimming class is designed to help children swimming with a disability develop valuable skills and gain confidence in the water. Our trained teachers have developed lessons suitable for those with varying disabilities to ensure swimming can be enjoyable for everyone.

Our expert teachers will lead classes that help individuals:

  • Gain a sense of water awareness
  • Improve their swimming skills
  • Increase their enjoyment in the water
  • Socialise with others

There are also opportunities for more confident swimmers to hone their skills in a safe and inclusive environment and prepare for competitive swimming events.


We know that swimming with a disability can be stressful and challenging. We want to help. Our SEND swimming lessons and classes are led by teachers trained in helping those with a disability and take place in accessible leisure centres to make swimming easier for everyone.

Our experienced teachers not only guide individuals on how to improve their swimming ability and get confident in the water, but also create a safe and supportive environment. Participants will be able to practice swimming in a friendly space and support each other throughout, adding a social aspect to the activity.

We have also made sure that many of our pools and lessons are as convenient to use as possible, with accessible changing rooms and toilets, as well as Pool Pods.

Our staff will look after Guide Dogs and keep mobility aids safe during your session.


For more information on this class, please contact or pop into the centre to speak to member of staff at reception.