505 Hertford Road
0630 - 2200
0630 - 2200
0630 - 2130
0800 - 2100
0900 - 1600
0600 - 2200
0630 - 2200
0645 - 2150
0600 - 2200
1600 - 2200
0900 - 2200
0600 - 2200
0530 - 2300
0600 - 2100
0630 - 2000
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0630 - 2130
0600 - 2000
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1100 - 1800
0730 - 2100
0700 - 2200
0630 - 2200
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0645 - 2200
0900 - 2200
0630 - 2200
1700 - 2200
0800 - 1700
0630 - 2200
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0500 - 2200
0630 - 2130
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0615 - 1930
0600 - 2200
0700 - 1500
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0630 - 2100
1700 - 2230
1000 - 2200
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0900 - 2200
0630 - 2130
0700 - 2200
1600 - 2300
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0530 - 2200
0600 - 2200
0900 - 2000
0630 - 2130
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0900 - 2200
0630 - 2100
0615 - 2100
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0630 - 2200
0630 - 2200
0630 - 2200
0700 - 2000
1700 - 2100
0600 - 2000
Young sports men and women were recognised at an awards ceremony at Ashburton Hall on Thursday (18 July)
Read more ›We are excited to announce the upcoming refurbishment of the football pitches!
Read more ›Try one of our new activities coming to Queensbridge Sports and Community Centre
Read more ›40,000 free swims taken up by the public in 48 hours
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