505 Hertford Road
0630 - 2200
0630 - 2200
0630 - 2130
0800 - 2100
0900 - 1600
0600 - 2200
0630 - 2200
0645 - 2150
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0900 - 2200
0600 - 2200
0530 - 2300
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1100 - 1800
0730 - 2130
0700 - 2200
0630 - 2200
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0645 - 2200
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1700 - 2200
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0615 - 2030
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1300 - 1700
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1700 - 2230
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1600 - 2300
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0900 - 2000
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0630 - 2200
0700 - 2000
1700 - 2100
0600 - 2200
On Tuesday 16th July, Islington Town Hall hosted the annual GLL Sport Foundation awards.
Read more ›More fun to combat holiday boredom - plus free Open Weekend 20-21 July
Read more ›Find out what activities we offer for all older adults during the summer holidays.
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