Waterways Children's Centre
Autumn Timetable 24
Stay and Play
09:30 - 11:00
Come along to try some fun and messy activities
£1 contribution (Childminders - £1 per child)
Job Centre Plus (JCP)
10:30 - 11:30
Childcare information session to inform parents of the support available regarding Childcare
First Monday of every Month
Didi Dance
13:00 - 13:45
Dance classes from sitting babies to 5 years.
Booking Required.
Little Splashers Swimming Sessions for under 2s
13:00 - 14:30
Thamesmead Leisure Centre
Enquiries and booking at Reception
£2 per session
Post Natal Clinic
09:00 - 17:00
Appointment only with Midwife
Perinatal Mental Health Counselling
10:30 - 15:00
Counselling for Greenwich Residents who are pregnant or caring for an infant under age of 2.
Rainbow Cafe
11:30 - 13:30
Thirds Tuesday of the month
Limited places
Booking required
Mummas Together Group
13:00 - 14:30
Support Group for black & brown mums.
Booking Required.
Growing Together Nurture Group
13:00 - 14:30
For parents with children 0-3 years
Invitation only
JCP Advice Session
09:30 - 16:30
DWP Jobcentre Advisers work closely with families to provide employment/training and benefit support.
Appointments 9.30 am - 12.30pm
1-4pm Drop-in
Infant Feeding Advice Session
10:00 - 12:30
Complex feeding support by appointment 9am - 12.30pm.
Drop In for all feeding support 10-11.30am.
Please bring red book.
Drop in
Stay & Play
13:00 - 14:30
Come along to try some fun and messy activities
£1 contribution (Childminders-£1 per child))
Bumps to Babies
13:00 - 14:30
Stay & Play for expentant parents & babies up to 24 months
£1 contribution (Childminders - £1 per child)
Health Advice Session
13:00 - 15:30
Weigh baby & get advice. Bring Red Health Book
Drop in
Family Hub Fun Day
10:30 - 12:30
Fourth Saturday of the month
Get ready for some fun, games and excitement
Picnic & Play in Birchmere Park
12:30 - 14:00
Every fortnight starting 14 September at Birchmere Park.