Falls Summer Scheme
Our Summer Scheme at Falls Leisure Centre gives kids the chance to experience a full range of activities, in a fun and friendly environment.
1st to 5th July, 8th to 12th July, 15th to 19th July, 22nd to 26th July, and 29th July to 2nd August.
Time: 10am to 2pm each day
Age groups: 5-7yrs & 8-14yrs
Activities: Multi-sports, swmming, art, and creative play sessions.
Children over 8 years old will take part in a Swim For All session. Under 8s will participate in a daily swimming lesson with a fully qualified swimming teacher.

More info
What to send with your child
Packed lunch
Swimming costume and towel
£1 coin for a locker (refundable)
Refillable water bottle
Light coat with a hood
Any mediaction that they may require
Please leave jewellery and other valuable items at home.
If you have any further question please get in touch.