Date posted 10 Oct 2022

Our Functional Zone has had a complete makeover, a brand new HIT HUB Frame has been installed with areas to rig battle ropes, TRX, weighted bands and more but what exactly is Functional Training?

Functional training is classified as exercises which involve training the body for activities which are performed in our daily lives, e.g. sitting down on a chair follows the same movement pattern and utilises the same muscles as performing a squat.

Originating through the treatment of rehabilitation, Physical and Occupational therapists used this approach to retrain patients with movement disorders.

Exercises were also adapted to ensure that each patient could return to their specific daily activities, for example, if their work life included heavy lifting this would be incorporated into the rehabilitation programme in the same way in which for  another patient kneeling down frequently may be in their line of work, therefore the action of kneeling down and getting back up would mean a  large focus of their programme would be centred around balance, core stability, lunges and even flexibility.

Like everything, this type of training has evolved and now within a fitness setting, you will see many training facilities with Functional Fitness/Strength Training classes on their timetabling.

Functional Strength Training typically consist of Compound exercises such as Squats, Lunges, Deadlifts, Pull Ups and Press Ups.

Compound exercises require and recruit more than one muscle group to work together to execute a movement. Because of this, they typically mimic  the way in which we move in our everyday lives. How often do you use your  Quadriceps, isolating them, without using your Hamstrings, Core and Gluteal muscles in your day to day life? not at all, so this is where Functional Strength Training is extremely beneficial.

When it comes to Functional Strength Training tools, there is an array of options to use, such as Kettlebells, Dumbbells, Barbells, Core Bags, Bulgarian Bags, Wall Balls, Weighted Bands and that is just the start. Within our new Functional Zone we have all the above and so why not have one of your training sessions done in the space utilising all the great pieces of equipment.

Unsure of efficiently performing exercises why not book yourself into a Refocus session with one of our Fitness Team.