Junior Gym at The Sands Centre

Get Active with Junior Gym Sessions!

The Sands Centre Junior Gym sessions, designed to benefit 11 to 17-year-olds both physically and mentally. Our sessions provide a safe space for teenagers to meet new friends, stay active, and develop healthy habits, all under the supervision of a qualified instructor.

New Junior Classes

We are excited to introduce a range of new classes specifically for juniors:

Cardio Junior: High-energy workouts to boost cardiovascular health.

Dance Junior: Fun dance routines to keep fit and enjoy music.

Mind and Body Junior: Sessions that combine physical fitness with mindfulness.

Strength and Conditioning Junior: Strength-building exercises to improve overall fitness.

Family Classes

In addition to our junior classes, we will be piloting new family classes at selected centres to encourage families to stay active together:

Group Cycle Family: Family-friendly cycling sessions.

Combat Family: Fun, family-based combat workouts.

Mindfulness Family: Sessions focusing on mental well-being for the whole family.

Circuit Training Family: Engaging circuit workouts for all ages.

Keeping Your Kids Safe

Mandatory Inductions: All participants must complete a mandatory induction before accessing the gym. These sessions ensure that everyone knows how to use the facilities safely. After the induction, juniors can attend gym sessions without an adult.

Equipment Restrictions:

- Juniors aged 11-15 can use cardiovascular and fixed resistance machines (e.g., treadmills, chest press machines).

- Only those aged 16 and 17 are permitted to use free weights.

Available Equipment:

- Cardio Machines: Treadmills, cross-trainers, upright bikes, spin bikes, recumbent bikes, and rowing machines.

- Resistance Machines: Chest press, chest fly, lateral row, cables pulley machines, leg press, hip adductor, hip abductor, lat pull down, shoulder press, leg extension, hamstring curl. Juniors must use the lightest weight plates on resistance machines and are not allowed to use the assisted chin-up machine or access the free weights area.

- Functional Area: TRX ropes, kettlebells, Bosu balls, skipping ropes, steps, slam balls, battle ropes, plyo boxes, small free weights.

Get your teenager moving and motivated with our exciting Junior Gym sessions at The Sands Centre. Join us to help your child build a healthier lifestyle today!


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