Upgraded Soft Play Coming Soon

This Autumn, a thrilling new adventure awaits your little ones as we prepare to revamp the soft play area.

The current structure will be replaced with a cutting-edge, immersive design that offers a fun and safe environment for children to explore.

The new 3-story soft play will present a variety of challenges for kids under 10, making each level more engaging while increasing the play area's capacity for even more excitement. Parents will still enjoy a clear view from the new seating area, allowing for a more relaxed visit while keeping a close watch on their young adventurers.

Temporary Closures - Tuesday 27th August - end of October

Due to these exciting plans, the current soft play area will have a brief closure for the upgrades, and it will be ready for you to enjoy again in October. 

If you're keen to take your child to a soft play during the closure, your nearest soft play is Talacre Community Sports Centre. We are still running our Toddler's World sessions in the sports hall during the soft play upgrade. 

We can't wait for you to enjoy the brand-new and improved soft play at Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre.