Our fitness class timetable will offer something for everyone. Whether you want to get your heart racing, increase strength and stamina, or re-centre and relax whilst increasing your balance and flexibility, our full range of instructor-led classes and the virtual library will cater to your every need. View timetable

Cardio Classes
Get your heart pumping to make you feel better as we move together in these fast-paced, high-energy classes. Whether you are looking to improve your health and cardiovascular fitness or burn calories and lose weight, these classes are a perfect match.

Strength and Conditioning classes
Build a better and stronger you with our range of strength and conditioning classes. Choose from many great motivational group activities that’ll help you strengthen and condition your whole body.

Mind & Body classes
Work towards making you feel better inside and glow on the outside. Build your strength and flexibility in our lower-impact classes, which will leave you feeling refreshed and revived.

Dance classes
Dance fitness classes allow you to get fit and feel great. These fun, energising group sessions to the music are guaranteed to make you sweat and put a smile on your face.
Virtual fitness classes

Life Fitness Cycle
Our group cycle studio houses 15 of the latest high-spec Life Fitness Indoor Cycling Group (ICG) bikes fitted with a coach-by-colour system allowing you and your instructor to view and track your effort during a class. With the virtual ICG experience, you can challenge yourself in our timetabled virtual group cycle classes or select your workout using the on-demand tablet during free periods.

Our fitness studio is fitted with Wexer virtual class software, providing a 360 sound experience to immerse members into their workout. Scheduled timetabled classes are available, as well as users having the chance to select their desired training on demand during free periods. With over 1,500 classes available, from Yoga to Cyberobics, there is plenty to choose from along with the extra room to move around and top equipment that isn't available at home!
Ready to start the journey to a better and healthier you? BOOK NOW