Date posted 03 Aug 2022

New Opening Times!

Many of our users have been asking for this so we thought we should deliver!
That’s right! We’re now officially opening from 6am Mon-Friday’s from the 1st of August 2022.

Have an early start for your job? Are you morning person that prefers to have an early pumped-up start to their day? Or do you simply prefer to get your session out of the way in the morning right before work? Well you can now come down to Better Gym Pinner and start your sessions from as early as 6am. We all know the saying,  the early bird catches the worm!  

Our new timetable is as follows:

Mon – Thu: 06:00 – 22:00

Fri: 06:00 – 21:00

Sat & Sun: 08:00 – 17:00

Bank Holidays: 09:00 – 17:00

Working out first thing in the morning can help set healthy eating standards and adequate hydration for the day. Most likely you won’t be eating a cake or chocolate bar straight after your morning workout. You’d want to get a good meal in that can help fuel your body for the day and not drag you down.

Training early in the morning can have the following health benefits:

  • Help build a routine – our bodies best thrive off of routine. Waking up early in the morning for a workout can help build this routine. Having a set task/workout can help prevent you from hitting that snooze button in the mornings, and, on the plus side, you get your workout out of the way before you start your day or go into work.
  • More energy and focus for the day – Training in the morning can help you feel more energized and help maintain focus and productivity throughout your day plus it can help build towards a healthier lifestyle and healthier diet. When we exercise hormones known as endorphins are released. These can trigger a positive feeling in your body, which can then lead to a great start to the work day. It also help destress and clear your mind whilst also improving your standards for the day.
  • Improved sleep and eating habits – By implementing a routine you help your body get used to set hours of sleep and also a good eating routine as after your workout you’re more likely to be eating from early. No more irregular times for breakfast and lunch!