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Date posted 07 Jun 2021

You may have heard of the term 'mindfulness' but do you know what it means? Finding an exact answer can be difficult. If you google it, you'll find the following dictionary definitions:

  1. The quality or state of being conscious or aware of something…
  2. A mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations used as a therapeutic technique…


On the 11th, 12th and 13th, we are holding 15 minute Mindfulness and meditation sessions at the following times in the afternoon:







These do not involve music or loud sounds, but rather inward focus, deep breathing and meditation. Mindfulness is a recognised tool for giving benefit to mental health, and we have set this up so that the local community can drop in, and join in with this.


We want to provide a Covid Safe, no cost offering to the public in an outdoor environment, so that our community can internally reflect, remember our loved ones, and be able to cope with the losses and difficulties brought about by Covid, and the losses from Grenfell. Advance booking is required via the Better app or online.


These free sessions are in support of our community, and available for both public and members to drop in to.


How does practising Mindfulness help us to escape from all the above distractions? Here are some of the benefits:

  • You'll find your immunity is stronger so you'll be sick less often and for a shorter period of time
  • Your digestion will improve
  • The quality of your sleep will also improve as will your cognitive functions – including memory, concentration, and creative imagination
  • Levels of irritability, impatience, anxiety and depression will decrease
  • More harmonious relationships
  • Enhanced levels of happiness and wellbeing
  • Increase oxygen and blood flow