Date posted 11 Aug 2022

Each month BETTER GYM ROMFORD holds a new fitness challenge which opens to all our members. When a participant attempts the fitness challenge their result is recorded on our challenge board on the gym floor. The challenges include different components of fitness such as strength, stamina, cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility, speed, balance, power and coordination.

Some members enjoy competing in our challenges as it gives them the opportunity with others, while some just do it to challenge themselves.

At the end of each month the participant that wins the challenge become our member of the month

This month’s fitness challenge is “The body weight squat challenge”!

What are the rules?

  1. Speak to a member of staff to take part.
  2. The bar is loaded with the same weight as your body weight.
  3. You then have 1 minute to see how many full squats you can complete.

Is it safe?

The bar will be set up and loaded by a member of staff, who will also ensure that the area is free from obstruction. If needed a staff will also demonstrate how to squat correctly .

What are the benefits of squats?

  • They are a great way of strengthening your legs – Squatting regularly promotes growth in the glues and quads
  • They help you improve your core strength- Squatting correctly requires core activation, which over time helps build a strong abdominal muscles
  • Posture improvement – Correct squatting form promotes a straight back, thus leading to an improved posture
  • Improvement of bone density
  • Increased mobility
  • A great way to burn calories – weighted squats in particular challenge the body to work harder, leading to a better calorie burn
  • They can be done almost anywhere, as you don’t need equipment to do them – Body weight squats are great way to keep active.
  • There are many different variations – changing the variation such as stance, motion range and tempo are a great way to make your squats more challenging