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Date posted 07 Feb 2022

Ride with us on our journey to help raise money for Cancer Research UK. Your Haydon Centre and Gym will be hosting a Spinathon on Friday the 25th of February from 07:00- 22:00. We will be running instructor lead classes throughout the day as well as having bikes available for both members and non members to challenge themselves by riding for as long as they like throughout the day. There will be at least one member of the Haydon Centre and Gym team riding a bike throughout the Spinathon giving you the opportunity to ask questions about your fitness journey, as well as any other questions you may have in relation to your membership. However long you choose to spend on the bike make a note of the distance and at the end of the day Haydon Centre staff will add up the total distance covered over the fifteen hour Spinathon. If you have a membership with us you can book into as many of our seventeen weekly fitness classes including five Group Cycle classes a week as well as personalised fitness programs tailored to your individual requirements. Fitness classes are a fantastic way to keep your fitness journey interesting and will help you get the most out of your membership. If you have not yet tried a Group Cycle class and are unsure of what to expect then this is your opportunity to try for yourself.

Charitable donations can be made online. Visit justgiving.com and search for haydoncentreandgymspinathon or if you prefer you will have the opportunity to make your donation in person as we will have Cancer Research UK collection buckets on reception. Follow our Facebook page for regular updates on our charity Spinathon including advice on how to prepare for the event as well as keeping you up to date with what is happening in your Haydon Centre and Gym