Social distancing workout

With exercise being beneficial for both mental and physical health, it is no wonder why many are looking forward to getting back in the gym. While there is excitement, there may also be feelings of apprehension having adapted to a new way of life over the past few months.

This is completely normal and we hope this guide inspires and provides useful workout plans to assist those who have decided to start using our centres again. We’re looking forward to welcoming you back!

Social distancing tips

Better have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure centres and facilities are safe for everyone. This includes frequent cleaning, reduced numbers in the centres at any one time and the reshuffling of equipment to adhere to social distancing guidelines.

As well as newly introduced Better procedures, there are a few things members can do to enhance the safety of themselves and those around such as:

  • Coming dressed and ready for your session
  • If possible, training alone
  • Following social distancing procedures when moving around Better facilities
  • Wearing a mask if you wish
  • Communicating with staff and other members only if necessary
  • Only touching equipment you wish to use
  • Not attending centres if feeling unwell

Social distancing gym floor workouts

10 minute full-body stretches

1 minute each, alternating where necessary

  • Lunge stretch (alternate)
  • Standing side stretch (alternate)
  • Forward hang
  • Low lunge arch (alternate)
  • Seated back twist (alternate)
  • Bound angle 

5 minute full-body cardio warm-up

 60 seconds per exercise

  • Jumping jacks
  • Toy soldiers
  • Cross jacks
  • Alternating side lunges
  • Mountain climbers

Bodyweight HIIT workout recommended by TechnoGym

4 sets of each exercise with 30 second rests in between. Each set should last 6-8 minutes.

  • 30 second jump squats with arm swings
  • 30 second scissor lunges with springer arms
  • 30 second burpees with push-ups
  • 30 second ice skaters
  • Every 2 minutes on the minute (E2MOM) complete the following circuit and break the reps up as needed. Take the remainder of the 2 minutes as rest:
    • 10 push-ups
    • 10 prisoner squats
    • 10 crunches

Cardio HIIT workout recommended by TechnoGym

  • On a cardio machine of your choice, build intensity from a comfortable effort by increasing the resistance or speed each minute to reach a hard effort within 5 minutes.
  • Repeat the intervals eight times, then take 2 minutes additional recovery totaling this section of the workout at 10 minutes:
    • 30 seconds of hard intensity
    • 30 seconds active recovery and 30 seconds of burpees with push ups
  • For 15 minutes, repeat the intervals below four times then complete 3 minutes at a comfortable pace to cool down before stretching:
    • 2 minutes of work
    • 1 minute active recovery

Full body workout

Minimum 3 sets of 8 reps

  • Deadlifts
  • Goblet squats
  • Single-arm rows
  • Kettlebell swings
  • Bench press
  • Leg press
  • Glute bridges
  • Russian twists

Upper body workout recommended by TechnoGym

Minimum 3 sets of 8-12 reps with a 1 minute rest in between sets

  • Chest press machine or dumbbell chest press
  • Seated machine row or dumbbell row prone on incline bench
  • Shoulder press machine or dumbbell shoulder press
  • Lat pulldown machine or pull-ups
  • Tri-set (one exercise after the other with no rest between and repeat 3 times):
    • Dumbell bicep curls (10-15 reps)
    • Close grip push ups (up to 30 reps)
    • Plank (up to 60 second hold)

Lower body workout recommended by TechnoGym

Minimum 3 sets of 8-12 reps with a 1 minute rest in between sets

  • Leg press machine or squats with free weights
  • Leg curl machine or Romanian deadlifts with free weights
  • Adductor machine or lateral lunges with dumbbells
  • Abductor machine or curtsey lunges with dumbells
  • Tri-set (one exercise after the other with no rest between and repeat 3 times):
    • Dumbell glute lifts (10-15 reps)
    • Quadruped glute raises (up to 20 reps on each leg)

Core workout recommended by TechnoGym

Supersets (one exercise followed by the other repeated four times with a 1 minute rest between supersets)

  • Alternate forward lunges with overhead reach (10 reps each leg)
  • Kettlebell swings (15 reps)
  • Alternate push ups with rotation (10 reps each side)
  • Renegade rows with rotation (10 rep each side)
  • Bicycle crunches (3 sets of 45 seconds with 45 seconds rest between)
  • Kneeling alternate arm and leg raises (3 sets of 45 seconds with 45 seconds rest between)

Strenght training workout recommended by TechnoGym

4 sets of 6-8 reps with a 1 minute rest between sets

  • Bulgarian split squats
  • Deadrows
  • Incline press in a split stance

8 minute recovery and flexibility exercises recommended by TechnoGym

Perform 30 seconds of each movement then move straight to the next. Repeat the full routine twice and on the second round alternate sides where necessary.

  • Cat-camel
  • Childs pose to Cobra
  • Kneeling overhead reach
  • Alternate kneeling lunge with hands on the floor
  • Kneeling torso twists with arm reach at chest height
  • Deep squat holds
  • Standing shoulder rolls
  • Alternating arm circles

5 minutes full body post-workout stretches

Perform 30 seconds of each movement then move straight to the next.

Repeat the full routine twice and on the second round alternate sides where necessary.

  • Piriformis stretch
  • Calf stretch
  • Triceps stretch
  • Bicep stretch
  • Ab stretch

For additional workout routines, visit the what to do at the gym page.

Social distancing swimming workout

Full body swimming warm-up

5 minutes of the below at a gentle brisk pace

  • Freestyle

6 minutes pre-swimming stretches

1 minute each totalling , alternating sides at half the time where necessary

  • Tricep extension
  • Arm swings
  • Quad pull
  • Wrist stretch
  • Wall lean stretch
  • Childs pose

Swimming workout

2-4 lengths of each exercise with rest in between

  • Flutter kicks
  • Alternate freestyle and backstrokes
  • Alternate sprint kicks and easy kicks
  • Butterfly strokes

5 minute post swimming stretches

1 minute each, alternating sides at half the time where necessary

  • Lateral neck flexion stretch
  • Capsule stretch
  • Hamstring scoops
  • Standing toe touch stretch
  • Standing spinal twists

Staying active at home

Better understand not everyone who wants to keep active will be ready to visit centres yet. If this is you, explore Better at Home for online exercises for all ages and abilities.

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