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Date posted 19 Oct 2022

Barnet Copthall Leisure Centre hosted an event to raise awareness for Breast Cancers Now’s wear it pink day. Breast Cancer Now is the UK’s largest comprehensive breast cancer charity. Steered by world-class research and powered by life-changing care, Breast Cancer Now is here for anyone affected by breast cancer, the whole way through, providing support for today and hope for the future. ‘Wear it pink’ day is Breast Cancer Now’s flagship fundraising event where people all across the UK are asked to hold a pink dress down or dress up day at work, at school or in the community. Everyone wears something pink to raise awareness for breast cancer, and everyone is asked to make a donation to Breast Cancer Now.

The event at Barnet Copthall Leisure Centre was fun, engaging, and informative with a NHS guest speaker leading a talk and discussion on breast cancer. The aim of this talk was to provide awareness on signs, symptoms, screening, treatment and prevention of Breast Cancer, information of which can be live saving. This year, around 55,000 women and 370 men in the UK will hear the words ‘it’s breast cancer’ and around 11,500 women and 80 men will die from it. This makes the event all the more important; to raise awareness and help make life-changing breast cancer research and support happen. Tea’s, coffees, and refreshments were available on the day for all those in attendance to enjoy. A structured walk led by the physical activity and health team was also available to all those in attendance, to ensure that everyone took part in a simple form of physical activity. The walk took place around Barnet Copthall playing fields at a slow and steady pace lasting one hour to ensure that it suited all individuals. Overall, Better Barnet thoroughly enjoyed hosting this event, and looks forward to leading the Prostate Cancer awareness football tournament at Burnt Oak Leisure Centre in November!

For more information, please email healthwise.barnet@gll.org or call 0208 457 9910.

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