Date posted 18 Apr 2024

Question 1: How long have you been in the leisure and fitness industry?

Darren:  Wow – showing my age here but I started in the late 90’s covering as a Lifeguard, Recreation Assistant and loved every minute of it.

Question 2: What was the reason you chose the leisure and fitness industry?

Darren: It all happened by chance really. I had been in and around gyms from the age of seven as that is when I started boxing. I was school boy champion & Junior champion by 16 and turned pro at 18. Unfortunately, after just 7 fights I was in a car accident that cut that career path short. However, during my rehabilitation period at the RNOH in Stanmore I noticed they had a leisure centre being built and asked if they needed staff. The rest is history!

Question 3: Why do you think you have stayed in this industry so long?

Darren: Well in fairness, after around 15 years in leisure I did have a hiatus for circa 8 years where I set up my own recruitment and events company. Sadly COVID had a huge impact on these sectors and I had to stop operating last year. However, during the isolation period of the pandemic I had lots of time to consider what path I wanted to go down next and I knew immediately that my fondest memories was within leisure…… and I was right because I haven’t been this happy in a LONG time.

Question 4: What are your short and long term plans within GLL?

Darren: Short is always the same. Provide unmatched service to my members and lead my teams to be the best they can be. Long term wise - I would love to head up the Better Gyms nationally and take them to the next level.

Question 5: What do you like doing outside of work?

Darren: I know it sounds cliché but I love cooking, fine dining, holidays and most of all spending every possible second I can with my two sons.

Question 6: What is your favourite holiday destination that you have been to and what is on the bucket list?

Darren: I would say New York is up there with one of my favourites but I honestly love Italy (I try and spend a bit of time in Tuscany each year). Without a doubt Maldives is on the bucket list!

Question 7: What is your favourite food?

Darren: Curry goat, Rice & Pea. However, if it came down to one specific meal it would be my mums scouse stew. I have tried replicating it numerous times but its never on her level.

Question 8: What is your ideal workout?

Darren: A quick 5 minute skipping warm up followed by five 5 minute rounds of sparring or hitting the heavy bag will always be my go to.

Question 9: How have you found the clubs so far?

Darren: Amazing and I sincerely mean that. The teams are fantastic and I can honestly say that the members we have are the friendliest bunch you could ever wish to meet. I knew immediately that these clubs were more of a community hub rather than your average gym.

Question 10: If you could have 4 people round for dinner – dead or alive, who would it be?

Darren: Ahhhh good question. I would have to say Bob Marley, Rickey Gervais, Dana White (UFC President) and Muhammed Ali. I would also have Mike Tyson on speed dial if I had any cancelations.