Date posted 07 Jul 2022

The gym is often seen as a place to lift weights and get a sweaty working out with high intensity.  However let us talk about how Pilates here at Better Gym Teddington could be just the right addition to your regular workout schedule.

Pilates is based on improving core strength, which will have untold crossover benefits for your training, as well as everyday life.  It is a full body dynamic workout, focusing on strengthening and lengthening your entire body.

Core Strength

Pilates focuses on building strong core muscles, the foundation from where all movement stems from. Our core is key whilst exercising, providing support and stabilising our body as we move. A strong core will also reduce our risk of injury and help protect our back not only whilst we train,  but in everyday life too. Better core strength also goes hand in hand with healthy posture and reducing muscle imbalances.


Adding Pilates to your weekly sessions can add great improvements to your overall mobility, especially in your shoulders and hips. This will give you a greater range of motion and allow fine tuning of movements. These mobility benefits compliment every workout routine perfectly, for example improved squat depth and better quality movement patterns are an easy ones to spot.

Body Awareness

Pilates is a mind and body class that brings the attention back on one self and in turn creates enhanced body awareness. This allows us to hone in on the muscles we are working and perfect movements with our new improved mind and body connection.

Stress Relief and Sleep  Aid

In our faced paced life an hour of calm is rare to find, so adding this class to your weekly schedule can reduce stress and give an instant mood boost. Many studies have also shown that Pilates has positive impacts on a good nights sleep. Sleep in essential for our body to recover and repair after our training sessions, so this could be a fantastic tool to utilise.

Add me today!

It is clear that adding Pilates to your weekly workout schedule could elevate your training whilst also reducing your risk of injury. So what are you waiting  for?  Book your class today:

Tue 12:45-13:45

Wed 18:30-19:30

Sun 11:30-12:30