Date posted 14 Sep 2022

We will be covering 3 types of training styles across the next few weeks; to kick us off, weight training is taking centre stage.

We have seen a recent shift towards weight training and a real focus on building strength in the gym. So let’s take a look at why both men and women are opting to pick up the dumbbells in order to make improvements to health, appearance and wellbeing.

Get strong!

Weight training is all about getting stronger and gaining lean muscle mass, so why is this so important? Not only will it help you in everyday activities, improved posture and many physical changes also go hand in hand. Improved body image and confidence is often seen, with a new found respect for how amazing our bodies are and all the wonderful things they can achieve.

Improved bone, muscle and joint health.

Weight training initiates a bone building response in our cells, by placing them under temporary stress and making them stronger in the process. Resistance training also focuses on gaining muscle mass and bone density, both with decrease with age, making it even more beneficial and important as we get older. Joint health is also given a much needed boost with this type of training adding protection, easing pain and stiffness too. Weight training can play a large role in warding off conditions such as osteoporosis and arthritis.

Body composition.

Want to achieve this “toned” look, then step off the cross-trainer and start building lean muscle mass instead. Weight training is by far the best way create a sculpted and defined body. If you need a little help getting started, just ask one of our qualified fitness instructors or book a complimentary induction.

Mood boost & energy levels.

Feeling a little low or stressed, it’s time to walk into that weight section! Challenging your body and leaving every day frustrations at the door or even using them to fuel some extra power. Take a moment to focus on yourself and always leaving the gym in a healthier headspace then when you stepped in.

Sleep quality.

Working out can help you drift off quicker and lead to a peaceful night’s sleep. As we know better sleep quality has so many positive effects on health and emotional wellbeing. It is essential for recovery, keeping your immune system strong, weight management and concentration.