Date posted 20 Jun 2019

Norman Powell has to date served Gosling Sports Park for over 12 years. He has worked hard to build the popularity of tennis among the 50+ group who play up to four times per week in a session organised by Norman. Norman has been a tennis player here at Gosling for even longer than this.


As a D Day veteran, Norman now in his 90’s was recently invited to be part of the memorial celebrations that were taking place in Leicester and in Normandy. Owing to a pending knee operation, Norman chose to attend the celebrations at the Leicester base. He was the youngest Veteran in attendance owing to the fact that Norman was just 18 on D Day. The oldest person in attendance was the grand age of 106! Prince William spoke to all of the Veterans personally and by all accounts it was a very moving day.


Norman was drafted into the Royal Navy and recalled working in the engine room of one of the 1200 ships involved in D Day. Normal remembers that the enormous waves were so high that at times it was not possible to see the horizon. Further, Norman described that the waters near the Normandy cost were filled with dead soldiers who had been very sadly unable to avoid enemy fire as they made their way from the ship to the beaches. In total Norman spent three and a half months travelling back and forwards across the channel serving the British Navy.


It seems fitting in the week of the 75th Anniversary of  D Day that we celebrate what Norman and his follow D Day Veterans did for our country. Where so many lost their lives we reflect on the fact that we are honoured to have Norman as part of our team here at Gosling.