Date posted 28 Oct 2023

I first came to supervised exercise at the Windrush Leisure Centre after being referred by Pulmonary Rehabilitation for COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder),  I Knew that it would be good for me but I was scared  that I wouldn’t be able to do enough and what the other  class members would be like.- I needn’t have worried!

At my initial assessment Heidi the Health Facilitator explained how the Healthwise programme worked and invited me to join the supervised exercise classes on a Monday and Thursday in the gym at Windrush Leisure Centre

At my first exercise session Sam the Healthwise coordinator showed me how to use the equipment and designed my programme. I soon learnt how to do all my exercises with Sam on hand to advise and encourage.

My fellow class members were really friendly and welcoming and I really enjoyed the social interaction as well as the physical – This kept me motivated and keen to attend more often

When I first started back in May I could only walk for 5 minutes on the treadmill and today I managed 30 minutes. This has given me a lot of confidence and I’m finding my daily activities much easier. Sam has added new exercises to improve my balance and strength which will help even more

I am also eating more healthily, my mental health, wellbeing and confidence have improved. I recently went on holiday with my family and was able to join in much more without feeling as if i was holding everyone up. This time last year I was thinking I might need a mobility scooter now I’m sure I don’t!

I plan to continue exercising regularly and even start swimming again. I would recommend the Healthwise programme to anyone who would benefit from being more active and has a health condition. – I have already encouraged two people to visit their GP for a referral!