Date posted 19 Nov 2023

“Pain and zero steps to 2 miles and smiles”

If you are reading this because you have been introduced to (or requested) the opportunity to experience the excellent concept of HealthWise and you haven’t signed up……  “Do it” don’t miss out on the opportunity, it will all be worthwhile, that’s a promise.

My first rate Coach, Sam, encouraged me throughout my HealthWise journey. We set intentions, discussed overall health and planned little goals. Sam was able to design me a program and reflect back to me my progress (in the ‘doing’ of it we do not always realise it ourselves).  She also knew when to challenge me to try more. (Always trust the coaches)

If you have a chance to prepare for your procedure then get as fit as you can beforehand (e.g. I knew I was going to need arm strength to use crutches etc); have something planned to occupy yourself during recovery (I completed a distance learning course) and Do the Physio – it works!

I sit in my garden 215 days after successful partial knee replacement surgery. I am grateful, stronger, and more resilient and find myself smiling as I write this. It is with immense thanks to my GP, Surgeon, the HealthWise initiative and therefore Sam, that I feel so good and I think may be a little taller!

The Healthwise programme is a great initiative that can help change the lives of anyone and everyone. If you get the opportunity then grab it with both hands and don’t miss out. The journey is enjoyable and that makes it much more achievable but challenging at the same time.

I highly recommend Sam and her team and Windrush Leisure Centre and grateful I was given the chance to take part in the program.

All smiles and no looking back!!