What is Junior Gym?
Junior gym is a dedicated session for children between 11 and 17 years old to introduce them to working out in the gym and help them start their journey towards a healthy and active lifestyle. All sessions are supervised, with a member of the Fitness team present, to ensure they are working out safely.
All juniors are required to attend a Junior Gym Induction before their first session. Please book this online or at Reception.
Junior Gym days and times:
Monday - Friday, 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Saturday & Sunday, 10am - 4pm
School holiday & Bank holiday Junior Gym hours may vary. Please check Better UK app to book your session.

Family Fitness Classes
Family Fitness Classes are tailored to adult & junior participants aged 11-17. These 45 minute Classes are led by our level 2 qualified Fitness Instructors and take place in Studio 3.
Customers will need to book via the app and adults will be permitted to attend with more than one child. All spaces will need to be booked in advance.
Adults will not be permitted to attend without a child.
Tuesdays |
18:00-18:45 |
Saturdays |
10:30-11:15 |

Junior Fitness Classes
Junior Fitness Classes take place during the Junior gym sessions and are tailored to junior participants. These 45 minute Circuits Classes are led by our level 2 qualified Fitness Instructors and take place on the Mezzanine floor.
Mondays | 15:45 - 16:30 |
Tuesdays | 15:45 - 16:30 |
Wednesdays | 15:45 - 16:30 |

Adult & Junior Gym (11-17yrs)
Alongside our Family classes and Junior gym hours, we also run Adult and Junior gym sessions where you can work out with your child. Like our other gym workout sessions, these give you and your child the chance to boost your fitness in the gym and use a range of equipment.
Juniors must book a space via the app and book an induction on their first visit. Adults attending alongside must also book a gym space on the app or attend as a pre-paid member.
Supervision: Please note that the adult/parent must actively supervise the child at all times and takes responsibility for the child's conduct and safe use of machines. Only children between 11-17yrs are permitted in the session, and it is limited to one child per one supervising adult. If an adult is not supervising the child or the child misuses the gym equipment or misbehaves, both parties may be asked to leave.
Saturdays |
15:00-17:00 |
Sundays |
15:00-18:00 |

Junior Gym Inductions
All Juniors must attend a gym induction with one of our qualified Fitness Instructors before they start using the gym. The inductions will cover all health and safety information and demonstrations on how to use the equipment permitted for use during the sessions.
Gym inductions will take place in either the mixed gym, or ladies only gym if booked online and may take place within small groups.