Date posted 08 Nov 2023

On the 14th November 2023, the refurbished leisure offering at The Sands Centre will have been open for a year.

The £27 million refurbishment has enabled us improve the delivery and standard of service to the Carlisle community. Over the last year we had some wonderful highlights that started with our fantastic opening weekend and culminated in The Sands Centre winning the UK Active award for Best New Build in late October.

Throughout the year there have been may highlights that we have listed below:

  • 19th November 2022: Opening weekend and hosted the finish of Brampton to Carlisle 10 miler, one of the oldest running races in the UK.
  • 21st January 2023: Hosted Cumbria Mohawks Wheelchair Basketball for the first time
  • 11th and 12th February 2023: Hosted Cumbria Swim Association Masters Gala
  • 17th February hosted Key Steps Gymnastics Competition
  • 23rd March 2023: Hosted Carlisle Schools Swimming Gala
  • April to August worked in partnership with PinC to deliver yoga to isolated women
  • 17th June 2023: Hosted Cumbria Diddy League Swimming Gala
  • 19th June Hosted Drowning Prevention Week
  • 29th June Hosted Cumbria School Games
  • 16th July Hosted Cumbria Swimming Association 100 years Gala
  • 22nd July Celebrated GLL's 30th Birthday
  • July and August Hosted a Holiday camp which had 360 children in attendance, 264 of which were HAF
  • September 29th- October 1st Hosted Registration and start of the 39th Great Cumbrian Run
  • 7th and 8th October 2023 Held the North Region Trampoline completion
  • 14th and 15th October held the Carlisle Masters Badminton Competition with competitors from all over the UK

As well as these events we have been working with partners to deliver a high level of service to our customers and partners. We have worked with our co-located NHS IMSK to deliver: large group rehabilitation sessions, aquatic rehabilitation and workshops on health topics. As well as many community clubs to deliver their sessions to adults and children alike.

Our first year has set the foundation for things to come and we look forward to providing more value to the Carlisle community and being the partner of choice to deliver health and wellbeing in the area.