Date posted 22 Aug 2022

How many times a week are you coming swimming?

I currently swim 3-4 times a week for 60 mins.

How has the pool pod affected your experience of the centre?

Made the experience of the centre much better as I am able to visit knowing I can get into the water without a problem, regardless of my condition’s good days or bad days. I look forward to attending the centre as it is good for my mental wellbeing and the pool in general has a very welcoming and social atmosphere; from both the swimmers and staff who of which are always very helpful.

What are the benefits of using the pool pod compared to a conventional pool hoist?

It makes level entry into the water from the pod without having to step up or get into a seat. The pool pod has its own wheelchair which can be lowered into the pool and is easier than the seat on the conventional pool hoist, as the seat is too high off the pool floor once lowered into the pool.

Why is swimming so important to you?

I have an inflammatory condition of the joints which effects my mobility, which I have had since the age of 19. Swimming is the only form of fitness I can do with my condition, which came recommended by my consultant. Since lockdown I was unable to swim and this resulted in my condition severely deteriorating to the point I could not walk and was reliant on a wheelchair. Since returning to swimming after lockdown my condition has stabilised and my consultant has seen a vast improvement which also includes my mental health and wellbeing.

What challenges would you otherwise experience if the centre did not have a pool pod.

I would not be able to swim at this centre, and there is no other pool pod within a commutable distance where I could fit swimming around my work schedule. This would result in me having to cancel my Better membership and stop swimming which would be severely detrimental to my condition, and would result in further degeneration of my disease.

We thank Diane for sharing her story with us and hope her experience can be the catalyst to get more people swimming.