Date posted 31 Aug 2022

Highgrove Pool & Fitness Centre team is taking part in Channel Swim Challenge for charity.

Aspire is a charity that aims to support people living in the UK with spinal cord injuries, and hopes to improve the quality of life for those individuals. Aspire is solely reliant on fundraising from the public and events it hosts such as the Aspire Channel Swim. 

Individuals suffering from Spinal Cord Injury's often incur losses in muscle and sensory control, often the majority become fully reliant on wheelchairs for the rest of their lives. Most spinal injuries have been sustained by those aged 21 to 30, with nearly three quarters of new spinal cord injury patients being male. However, Spinal Cord Injury is becoming increasingly prevalent in older people also.  Nearly 2,500 people's lives are impacted by sustaining spinal cord injury's in the UK each year.

Aspire offers physical support to almost 50,000 people who are currently living with spinal cord injury in the UK, from recent injury to long term patients both currently in hospital and throughout the rest of there lives. This crucial support allows people with spinal injury to live independently at home with their families and allow them opportunities to pursue a normal life, with work and leisure activities. 

Eight of our team memebrs at Highgrove Pool and Fitness Centre are taking part in this channel swim, each intending to complete the 22 miles within September. Additionally, we will be challenging ourselves further to see how far we can swim as a team throughout the entire month.

Swimming is an amazing form of exercise and fun activity for everyone to enjoy. With the introduction of hoists into the leisure industry it has allowed people suffering with spinal injuries to still have access to such facilities.

Over the coming weeks we will introduce you to the team taking part and if you would like to contribute towards our fundraising please visit:

Keep up to date on our social media to learn more about our teams progress also:

Instagram: Better_highgrovepool

Facebook: Highgrove Pool and Fitness Centre