Cherry Hinton Village Leisure Centre News
New LED Lighting
Over the past year we have been busy upgrading the centres old traditional fluorescent lights to new 75% efficient LED lights.
This has led to us being more energy efficient, having brighter more uniformed illumination essential to enhancing both the members and spectators experience.
By converting to LED lighting, there’s not only an immediate reduction in energy costs, but the benefit of spending the savings on other areas of the centre. Over the Christmas period a new meeting floor was laid. The centre is also having new outdoor lights installed.
When they eventually come to the end of their lifespan, LEDs are fully recyclable and contribute to the circular economy. They don't contain toxic, environmentally damaging materials that you'll find in other forms of lighting.
New Classes Starting in March
Zumba - Monday, 6.15pm-7pm with Shaun
Legs Bums and Tums - Monday, 7.15pm-8pm with Shaun
Please book through the Better UK app.
Half Term Activities
Monday, 13th February - Drop in Junior Football Sessions
Wednesday, 15th February - Bouncy Castle and Soft Play
Friday, 17th February - Family Badminton and Table Tennis
Please go to our website or pop in to the centre for more information.
Badminton Tournament
On Saturday, 28th January our Better Racquet members hosted a family badminton tournament. This was a great day and everyone enjoyed themselves.
Numbers have grown since the first tournament after lockdown. The winners were presented with medals and trophies.
Partners of Choice
At Cherry Hinton Village Leisure Centre in partnership with Living Sport we have been in touch with a local charity Red2Green.
They support local people with learning disabilities or are on the autistic spectrum, getting them back into exercise.
They now have three separate groups who use the gym and the sports hall weekly. This has been a great success.
The Village Centre also hosts a number of prevention classes, for; fall, diabetes and weight management on a regular basis.
Up and Coming Social Event
Last year the Cherry Hinton Men's Social Group raised money for the St Andrews church floor, this year they have turned their attention to raising funds for a new defibrillator which will be located on the Cherry Hinton central high street. They will be holding a social evening on Saturday, 1st April to raise money for this great cause.